weiting (our idol) take photo for us!

dp can't see!
finally handed in intht report!! dating partner was really blur until she left her shoebag/report lying everywhere! really had fun during fdm 3rd year anniversary! dee pei me all the way throughout. played mini games in the noon. got splash with lots of water. and end up with lots of flour on my shirt. rawr! after that had to quickly change and eat dinner. rushed backstage to change into shoes and had another rehearsal with hoodies on! haha! after performing dating partner need to go hm buy food for her sis. yuwei, jess, huimin, dee and i went for spooky trail. rawr! first stop was really scary coz really cant see anything. huimin use her lighter den can see gary and alvin inside! LOL. the rest still not so scary la. had fun!! was really tired!
went far east with dee to get his leather shoe for work! i don't owe him birthday present anymore! i'm super broke! i need money!
You don't trust me at all?
went work today! coz ice's mum came to singapore so she needs to fetch her.
i can't keep spending money! everytime i go work sure will go buy clothes! rawr! broke alrdy! but seriously i like that star shirt la!!!