empty maths lecture. fred chong teaching us.
funny ang moh from culinary school keep staring at lao da's bag and asked whether is it a rabbit. hahas. and he got blue eyes! so nice!
today baby is so naughty! hahas! made me run so much! went to eat mac at downtown east bcoz baby wan to play the bball machine. kiddy bball machine is fun! heh! the moment i went into the toilet there, i thought of eileen. dunno why. mayb is bcoz she once lost her wallet there. i miss my fav girls. last time everytime after sch will go eat lunch with them. laughing all the way to white sands. blocking people's path. running away from crows. eating cup noodles. go central drink bubble tea with eileen. laughing at how she drink her bt. laughing together crying together. i rmb i used to cry alot. hahas. always make them worry about me. i really miss them so much.